New buildings

The company has experience in building public, commercial and industrial complete properties or rennovation of apartmnets. A & A also has experience in other specific building elements such pool construction, paving, oven/barbeque areas. The company is also involved in maintenance of existing buildings, not only of actual construction but also major services such as water, electric etc throughout the year.


Our “turnkey” service gives you a great and obvious advantage: bringing together in a single reference different types and phases of work that instead require the need for professional figures, difficult to coordinate all together. Our company manages univocally and the useful space is therefore to coordinate punctually and precisely all the work necessary for the realization of the work.


The project

Realization of the project following the municipal criteria and the various bodies in charge.


Documentation and procurement

Management of all documentation and certification required for the project.



Estimates management following the realization step by step.